3 Correct Action To Prevent Corona Virus

The outbreak of Wuhan pneumonia due to Corona virus is spreading with many unpredictable developments, difficult to control and no specific medicine.

Instructions for preventing corona virus are many; But how to do it specifically: how to choose a mask, a mask, how to wash your hands properly, how to cover your mouth when sneezing ... you can refer to the following content to be able to protect yourself. relatives and family scientifically.

1. Choose and wear a mask properly

Should wear a mask?

A regular face mask can prevent 30% of the bacteria and cannot prevent infections and viral infections.
Medical surgical masks can prevent 70% of bacteria and can be used without contact with the patient.
Medical protective masks, also called N95 masks, can prevent 95% of bacteria.

The exact steps to wearing a mask:

Make sure the metal strip of the respirator is facing up and hanging from the ears, covering the nose, mouth and chin with a protective mask, and clamping the metal nose against the face;

The nose clip is moved and pressed from the middle position to the sides to ensure the tightness of the mask.
Always wash your hands after removing a mask.

2. Wash your hands properly

Wash your hands with soap and water, or an alcohol-based disinfectant.

The method of washing hands exactly the way we are instructed to wash daily is: palms pressed against the palms, palms against the back of palms, rubbing palms with fingers together, rubbing joints, thumb turning do axes, rub palms, wash your wrists.

3. Sneeze properly 

Cover your nose and mouth with disposable paper towels and hand towels.

If you don't have a tissue or handkerchief, cover your nose and mouth with your sleeve.
Note: do not sneeze and cover with your hands! If you're wearing a short-sleeved shirt, raise your hands and sneeze into your armpits. 
Absolutely avoid using your hands because it will increase the risk of spreading the virus.
